Busy day was planned for Saturday - two soccer games, Jessie's dance recital, and the June Fair...maybe squeeze in a Costco trip? I figured on two hours to get some work done in the morning if I
rushed. Not the brightest idea when cutting fabric with a rotary cutter - ouch - let's leave it at 45 minutes later I ended up in the emergency room getting my finger wrapped and receiving a tetanus shot. Ouch!
I will spare you the details - I will be fine - but a lesson was learned. I think ancient philosophy talks about living in the moment and attaining full consciousness in everything we do. I have always tried to accomplish that when spending time with my children but perhaps life is telling me that I need to slow down. The irony is I am back to cutting and sewing - it is truly a passion for me and Lincoln Center in the 26
th! DH and I went to
Joanns and apparently they sell "Klutz gloves" and suction ruler handles to prevent rotary accidents like mine.
The good news is thanks to some wonderful friends I did see Jessie in her dance recital and she was wonderful. Dance is such a joy for girls at that age - they are truly in the moment on that stage!
"There is no consciousness without pain"
Carl Gustav Jung