I am 6-8 weeks away from load-in at the Grand Central Holiday Fair in NYC and obsess about it nonstop! I am past the planning stage of creating concepts, pieces and ideas. Currently I am in production or as I like to call it the gathering stage (of as DH likes to call it the going broke stage). Our home is slowly becoming a warehouse for all the beautiful items we are bringing with us to the fair. Every night I get to play with my fabric and put combinations together for skirts and dresses. I am adding a fall/winter touch with darker, deeper colors and some play with fabrics. Alot of the skirts and dresses include the same fabric so they can coordinate but not be too matchy-matchy!
I am almost finished with the production of my skirts and will be moving on to dresses in about a week. I started with skirts because they were my first inspiration. They embody the idea that Jessiegirlclothing can be worn dressed up for a party or dressed down for the playground. Clothing for the way real little girls live!
I was so excited last week when we were at the playground and a little girl came running over to the slide and she was wearing one of my Freida skirts! That is pure joy!