These are pictures of the gates that were used to secure the booths at Grand Central. They became very symbolic in our time there. At the end of a long day you would see them being rolled down the hall and it was our sign that the day was almost over. In the morning customers would wait outside the gates for the Holiday Fair to open - so they could come in and shop. They have closed for the last time this year...
Christmas eve was our last night at the Grand Central Fair! After sleeping for about 12 hours last night we went and cleaned out our booth this morning - just hours before the impending blizzard!
While this experience has been a tremendous amount of work - I can't wait to go back! I was so lucky to have immediate feedback from customers from all over the world and see the reaction of little girls as they turned the corner and saw our booth! I also feel so lucky to have spent this time with my Mom. She really came and supported me in this dream and it couldn't have happened without her. Thanks to everyone who said hello and even offered coffee. I think she is eager to return to her quiet life - but loved meeting all the customers! This is Murphy he will be returning to Texas as well - we will miss him!

Guess what I got for xmas? A new camera!!! This means better pics for the blog - yay! Here is a pic of Jessiegirl, I took this morning....

What an experience this holiday season has been. Thank you again to everyone who visited the booth. We are so appreciative of the support and positive feedback - and it is thrilling to think of all the Jessiegirlclothing packages that went out to fabulous girls everywhere!