I have never been one to apporach challenges cautiously and have applied to some big art fairs this summer. I would rather go big and fall on my face then play it safe and wonder what if? I believe a large part of success in life is just taking that first step - so here I go!
I have been accepted into four art fairs this summer. I was rejected by one and wait listed by another. As my confirmations come in I will post the info. The first one on the calendar is April 24 and 25 and is the 31st annual SPRING Crafts on Columbus! I am so excited it is held right on Columbus Avenue in NYC in front of the Museum of Natural History.
Right now I am in the middle of my planning stage. I have so many ideas and patterns reeling in my head and need to narrow my focus so I can get these garmets completed. When I was backstage at Westside story the Wardrobe Supervisor showed us the costume bible. They had sketches, descriptions and fabric swatches of each costume in the show. I realized this kind of organization would help me in keeping focused. I have always created Jessiegirl garmets with the fabric I have on hand and not really documented what I used. It's time to keep record!
The new Jessiegirl labels arrived today and they are woven! I think they will work better in the back of the skirt and give it a much more polished look.
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