I have been behind in my blogging and I hate that! I am very busy on my fall/winter line and have been trying to stay away from the computer. For two reasons 1. The internet can suck up my time so fast. I get lost in a beautiful world of blogs, facebook, flickr etc.. By the time I look up two hours have passed. During the summer I love to spend time with my kids at the park, pool or even in the yard...so I have to use every free moment wisely!
The second is though I love to view other designer's creations it also can make me feel insecure. I start to reconsider certain design elements because I think they might be popular - lots of lace or a certain fabric line. But when ever I start to incorporate these elements it doesn't work - because it is not my aesthetic and I end up throwing the garment away half finished. So I turn the computer off, take a trip to NYC - people watch and visit tiny fabric and ribbon stores in the garment district - and rediscover my own vision. - That's what I have been up to!
Thought it's taken awhile - I think my fall and winter designs are really cool and a little different then everything else. I am finishing up this week and contacting photographers so I can start posting pics! Stay tune!Check out this great statue that was lining the street in the fashion district in NYC - there were a bunch of them all decked out in different outfits - Only in New York!