As life gets busy, I try hard to get everything done and keep organized. Activities, playdates, laundry, dinner etc. My hope for my children is their childhood is enriching and provides opportunities for them to reach their full potential (I overloaded on Maslow in college).
For my son this is great it's the way he rolls. He wakes up at 7am dressed, packed and ready to go for the day. He's like the energizer rabbit and loves a schedule! Many times in the rush of getting it all checked off - I don't always take the time to see what both my children really need ...
Jessie follows the beat of her own drummer and it rushes nowhere! She is naturally drawn to beautiful things and perceives the world in a real visual way. At her age she has the patience to work on a project and make decisions with much care and thought. I have bought her dolls, tricycles, blocks, videos enrolled her in dance, soccer and gymnastics - when I get out of her way, what she really wants to do is color, paint and water the plants. Perhaps I need to stay out of her way a little more. Lesson being learned!
Today Jessie and I began painting our tag sale hat rack. We had extra paint in the garage and I think it is turning our well. We all agreed it looks like a flower in the garden and we will add glitter at the end!
I have completed two more skirts for the craft shows and I will try to take pics this week and post them!
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