It's that time again - Early mornings spent searching frantically for the matching sock or pair of shin guards, grabbing breakfast and a water bottle and heading for the field. Must stop for coffee - of course! In our town all the soccer games are played on one massive field that contains over ten soccer fields. It's crazy on Saturday mornings as kids ranging in age from 4 to 12 descend on the field with parents, chairs, snacks etc. in tow Yet somehow it always works!
DJ is in the older group now and the games can get quite competitive. He plays defense which is a good fit for his temperament. However, it is excruciating to watch him play goalie. It is the worst! There is so much pressure riding on the goalie and it is heartbreaking when he misses it. And let's face it that's my baby!
Jessie on the other hand sees soccer as one big social event. She could use a little more pressure as she sashays across the field waving and chatting with friends on the other team! I have to admit this year is better as she actually seems to understand the need to follow the ball and try to kick it once in awhile, rather then sit back and direct the rest of the team. I'm not sure there is a soccer scholarship in her future - but you never know!!!!
DJ is in the older group now and the games can get quite competitive. He plays defense which is a good fit for his temperament. However, it is excruciating to watch him play goalie. It is the worst! There is so much pressure riding on the goalie and it is heartbreaking when he misses it. And let's face it that's my baby!
Jessie on the other hand sees soccer as one big social event. She could use a little more pressure as she sashays across the field waving and chatting with friends on the other team! I have to admit this year is better as she actually seems to understand the need to follow the ball and try to kick it once in awhile, rather then sit back and direct the rest of the team. I'm not sure there is a soccer scholarship in her future - but you never know!!!!