I am only staying for a quick note! I have two days until the craft fair and sooooo much to do! I can't decide if I work well under pressure or if I am a habitual procrastinator. I always seem to get most of the work done right under the deadline. We practiced putting up the tent and it went well...until my DH remarked that I should really make more skirts and ruffles. Easier said then done. So I have been sewing up a storm! In fact I need to get back the machines right now...however Project Runway is tonite and that in my never miss show! I love it! The show reminds me of my days in a NYC costume shop - the hours sewing, gossiping and rushing to get it all done and "make it work". Speaking of which - here are my latest! (The sisboom is from that fabulous sale last weekend)

wow love how you put it together..that skirt is so terrific!!!..Actualy both but I'm partial to the one on the bottom.