Gorgeous pics by Jennifer of fortytoesphotography - she is always so creative!
Two weeks from today the Grand Central Holiday Fair begins! I have really poured my heart and soul into this event - it really represents my creative vision - clothing for girls who love life and want to conquer the world! I am very excited and nervous - part of me wants it to start now so I can see how we do and another part of me would like another month to create more. I am hoping that this event is not only a success but leads to even more opportunities...
Our finished basement is no longer a playroom it has become a warehouse for our growing inventory. Fortunately my kids are happy to have their toys in their bedrooms and don't seem to be at all upset - they are great kids - I am really blessed.
I have started to think about things like fireproofing. I have to admit when I started this venture I never realized how many details there are that have nothing to do with designing or sewing - it can be overwhelming. Apparently you have to fireproof everything that is not metal - this includes the wicker baskets, mannequins and wooden heads used in my display. We are taking it all to a company in Brooklyn next week where they will "treat" it and present us with a certificate.
The next two week will be intense as we finish our design plans for the booth and organize, tag, iron and prepare all the inventory...wish me luck!
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW! LOVE my baby GIRL in your clothes!